Why Do My Clothes Smell After Washing
Whether you are one of the 68% of people who dread doing laundry or don’t mind the chore, the last thing you want is to be greeted with ponging items after they have gone through a wash. Unfortunately, this is an issue that many people face when doing laundry loads at home if they have not considered the points we will raise in this article.
One of the many benefits of an online laundry service is eliminating this problem. However, if you wish to wash at home or are being driven crazy by the problem of smelly items post-wash, this blog is for you! Keep reading to learn how you can eliminate the air of nasty clothing smells.
What Are the Reasons That Clothes Sometimes Smell After Washing?
There is no denying that our clothing has to deal with a lot thanks to our busy lives. From sweaty gym gear to paint-stained children’s garments, we expect lots from our clothing. The average Brit will do 13,000 laundry loads in their lifetime, but thanks to smells left after washing, this amount can be doubled if you are not careful.
Whether you are a beginner just starting to do laundry or a seasoned pro, smelly clothes can strike at any time if you do not account for the following reasons:
Leaving Clothes In The Machine
One of the main reasons for clothes having an unwanted odour after washing is if they are not removed from the machine quickly enough. Sometimes, life takes over, or you simply forget to empty the drum after the spin has finished. However, this should be a bad habit you work to eliminate, as bacteria and mildew can quickly grow when damp items are just left. This is made even worse if you leave items overnight as nasty smells and bacteria love cold and dark conditions for thriving in.
To resolve this, it’s always best to set a timer on your phone so that you are altered to the end of a cycle. Items should always be either treated in the dryer or hung on an airer/washing line as soon as possible to let the air start drying them.
Not Using The Right Amount of Detergent
A common misconception with laundry is that the more detergent and cleaning solutions, the better. However, you could be in for a nasty surprise post-wash if you think this is the case; with laundry, more is not always best.
The balance of detergent and water should be perfectly aligned so that items can benefit from a deep clean and a thorough rinse. If there is too much soap on the items, a residue will likely be left behind, and the original odour is unlikely to be removed.
Always pay attention to the washing instructions on the clothing tag to ensure this doesn’t happen to you. You should also read the guided usage of cleaning detergents to ensure the optimal amount is used, as all products differ. Finally, ensure items are sorted correctly, as different fabrics will need alternative treatments for a deep clean.
Cramming the Machine Full
We know it can be tempting to put entire loads, and then some, into the machine to lessen the task of laundry, but this does not pay off. Instead of a clean laundry load that took half the time, you can double the task as items must be re-washed.
The cycle will not work as intended if too many items are in the machine. Instead, items will be crammed together, some getting a nice rinse and others just becoming damp with no cleaning.
To eliminate this, try spreading the task of laundry out across the week so there is no rush to get it all done at once.
Not Regularly Cleaning The Machine
Did you know that a washing machine should be deep cleaned every three to six months? A ‘run service wash’ should also be carried out at least once a month to ensure your machine is gleaming. After all, how can you expect equipment to clean your clothing if it is dirty?
If your washing machine is dirty, this will not only transfer onto clothing, leaving odours and stains, but it will not clean items properly, meaning that the original cleaning woes remain.
How Can You Treat Clothes That Smell Bad?

Now that you know why your clothing and other washing has a bad smell even after a laundry cycle, let’s chat about how you can resolve it!
- Re-wash the item again quickly. This should be done straight away once the original issue has been resolved. By not letting the item have a chance to dry, the smell will not become embedded, and you will stand more of a chance of saving your clothing.
- Choose a professional laundry service. By outsourcing the task to someone else, you never even need to worry about issues such as stinking clothing. A laundry collection service, such as Love2Laundry, will take your dirty items away and return them in perfect condition.
- Use white vinegar to treat tough odours. If you find that a smell is still lingering even after a re-wash, use a simple solution of white vinegar mixed with water to soak the item. Ensure that you always pay attention to the clothes label to ensure it can withstand this, and then process via a regular wash afterwards to eliminate the rest of the smell.
How Does Love2Laundry Resolve the Problem of Bad Smelling Clothing?
Is there a laundry app that can eliminate the issue of smelly clothing for me? Yes, there is!
Love2Laundry uses only state-of-the-art technology and processes, meaning that you never need to worry about clothing being returned smelly after our team has treated it. Instead, items will be fresh and odour-free and much more resilient against future smells thanks to the thorough cleaning.
As well as following all of the tips outlined above for domestic laundry, our team also offers a mix of washing and dry cleaning to ensure each garment is treated in the best way possible. All items also go through stringent quality control post-washing, as we only send items back in perfect condition. If we notice an odour has remained, which is very rare thanks to our professional washing, we will treat it again.
How Does Love2Laundry Work?

If you are still wanting to know what an online laundry service is, we can confirm it is a mobile way to get your laundry completed. Simply book in your laundry online and have it collected plus delivered back to you in a ready-to-wear state. While laundry services will differ, the way that you can use the Love2Laundry app is simple.
- Visit our website or download our app.
- Choose the service you require, which is easy thanks to our dropdown, pre-populated menu.
- You must choose a collection and delivery address plus time/date when booking. Not all apps pick up laundry, but that is what our service is founded upon, as we are here to make your life easier. The collection and return details can also differ depending on your schedule, so just check your diary and let us know how we can help you.
- Our team then performs a detailed service, including sorting items and treating individual smells or stains.
- A finishing service is also offered to ensure clothing is ready to wear and household fabrics are ready to use.
- Our team then returns your items in perfect condition.
Whether you eliminate the chance of clothing smelling at home or outsource the task to professionals, you will find things much easier being armed with the knowledge we have shared. After all, washing is not always a fun task for the first time, so why make yourself do it again?
To learn more about our services, contact our team.