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Top 10 Industries That Need Commercial Laundry Solutions

For some, even going to work doesn’t signal an escape from the task of laundry, as many people work in environments that produce plenty of washing daily. To put the magnitude of the task into perspective for you, the global commercial laundry market is worth $1.45 billion. We think you will agree that’s a lot of towels, bedding, and tablecloths need to be washed every day!

The Love2Laundry commercial service is a popular choice across many sectors. In this article, we will discuss which industries we serve and how they can all stand to benefit from this service. If you work within any of the following sectors and are still doing laundry in-house, we think you will agree that it’s time for a change after this read.

What Is Commercial Laundry?

Commercial laundry is the name given to services provided to businesses that need washing to be completed. This includes everything from washing to dry-cleaning and finishing services such as ironing, steaming, and pressing. 

With more than 5.5 million businesses in the UK, the scale on which commercial laundry services must operate is vast. These services are set up to churn out high volumes of laundry and finishing services thanks to the industrial machinery, professional set-ups, and laundry experts hired to work within them. Click the following link if you want to learn more about what commercial laundry is.

What Are the Benefits of Commercial Laundry Services?

  • Suppose you are a business with a need to carry out washing. In that case, you will probably have contemplated before what is the fastest way to do your laundry? This is a huge bonus of choosing commercial laundry services as the scale of operations and industrial-sized machines both mean washes are completed much more quickly than in-house alternatives. This quick turnaround means that deadlines can be met and customers kept happy, which is one of the top priorities for many businesses.
  • Another benefit is that commercial laundry providers always provide an expert finish. From treating delicate fabrics to removing tough stains, companies can know that all washing will be returned in perfect, ready-to-use condition.
  • A brilliant commercial business ready to assist is handy if a business needs to scale its operations. It means a viable solution for completing laundry is already in place, making it simple when things need to change. Instead of costly recruitment drives and additional in-house modifications, business can carry on as usual.
  • Choosing commercial laundry can also make complete financial sense once the costs of in-house services are added up. By saving on utilities, equipment, upkeep and washing products, companies can spend the same or less when outsourcing. This means that technically, more of an ROI is experienced as additional bandwidth is in-house for completing other tasks.
  • The high standard of laundry products by commercial services also ensures that businesses comply with various health and safety regulations.

The Top 10 Commercial Laundry Customers:

If you are a company that never wants a broken washing machine to wreak havoc on operations, choosing a commercial laundry service is your best option. Below, we have listed the main sectors that we serve, which also happen to be the ones that benefit the most from this service.


The UK hospitality sector is worth an estimated $24.2 billion and is one of the main sectors that can benefit from commercial laundry services. If you work in the industry, you may be interested to know that ‘how long does hotel laundry services take’ is a top search term online. This shows customers expect quick turnarounds and a first-class experience when visiting different venues. A commercial laundry service helps these companies meet these expectations.

As well as experiencing a quick turnaround for bedding, bathroom, dining, and spa linens, many commercial laundry companies, including ours, also offer additional services for hospitality clients. Our hotel affiliation programme is extremely popular and has been adopted by some of the biggest chains in the UK!

Additional benefits include providing linen services and the option for dry cleaning or laundering linen, which means all needs can be met.


Some schools, colleges, and universities also have laundry needs which a commercial service can sort. This is important as, for many education establishments, there will not be in-house laundry facilities, which means that sometimes staff end up having to take the items home for cleaning.

Animal Care

Another sector that benefits animal care which includes shelters and veterinary practices. From a sanitation and comfort perspective, linens must be kept clean and fresh. Cross-contamination in these settings can lead to animals becoming unwell. 

Fabrics, such as towels and bedding, must also be kept clean to ensure that hygiene standards are being met. Commercial cleaning is ideal as a deep clean is usually required, which can be hard to achieve with domestic appliances.

Beauty Salons

Beauty salons and spas also benefit from commercial laundry services as they are likely to get through large amounts of items. There are also tough stains and marks to deal with such as dyes and oils which only professional laundry experts will be likely to be able to remove.

Food Industry

The UK food sector has an annual turnover of more than £105 billion, bringing lots of laundry needs. Most restaurants will need table linens and kitchen materials to be washed daily. Hence, outsourcing is a great idea. Dry cleaning linen can also be the best option for more premium materials. Hence, a commercial wash is a no-brainer for higher-end restaurants.


A sector that might not spring to mind but that can benefit is offices or corporate environments. As dry-cleaned clothes last longer, having a commercial wash of certain items helps people make the best first impression when it matters. 

Public Sector

This covers a whole range of sub-divisions and is often popular as it makes financial sense for these public companies to outsource laundry. From prisons to hospitals, we work with a wide range of public sector businesses.


Another industry that requires top levels of cleanliness is the care sector. This sector is also commonly short of staff, which means that bringing in the additional task of washing can push some businesses beyond their means. 


As mentioned, commercial laundry can be carried out across big-scale operations, which means it is ideally suited to industrial clients. Customers within this sector often do not have suitable facilities but still need safety gear and work uniforms to be cleaned professionally.


Last but not least is the fashion industry. For fashion and fabric houses, items must be in perfect condition. We work with many designers and seamstress services to ensure items are in perfect condition. 

Commercial services are also ideal for garments as even tough stains, such as armpit marks, can be removed with expert knowledge and tools.

How Does Love2Laundry Commercial Laundry Work?

The Love2Laundry commercial service spans all of the sectors mentioned above and any other businesses that require professional laundry. One of the reasons that we are so popular is that our model has been designed to be easy, affordable, and to suit busy schedules.

We simply follow these steps:

  1. Clients book their laundry via our website or app. This includes confirming what needs to be treated, the chosen method, selecting a collection time and choosing when it is to be returned.
  2. Our team then collects the items and takes them to our commercial-ready washing warehouse, which contains state-of-the-art equipment. This means we can clean large items in huge quantities in much less time than it would have taken to process in standard machines.
  3. Items are then washed or dry-cleaned and finished, ready to be returned to the client. 
  4. All fabrics are then ready to use by the commercial client immediately, meaning no time delays. 

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