How to Save Money on Laundry as a Student
Posted on Love2Laundry

How to Save Money on Laundry as a Student

As a student, you’re bound to have a lot going on in terms of studies, socialising, and plotting world domination, etc! However, one of the things that you’re going to need to keep on top of and make time for is your laundry. It is important to make sure you do the best you can to look great and feel good at all times, and one of the best ways of being able to achieve this is to make sure you stay on top of laundry.

Laundry is a rite of passage for any student, and it is important to make sure you come up with some of the best ways of being able to stay on top of this. According to stats, the average UK person will do more than 13,000 wash loads in their lives, and students are no exception to this.

Of course, working on a student budget, it is important to look for ways of being able to save money on your laundry, and, in this blog post we will endeavour to explore the best ways to do this, as well as why Love2Laundry could be the best option to help you with this.

How Do Laundry Apps Work?

Understand Why Laundry is Important

There are loads of reasons why it is important to try to keep on top of laundry as much as you can. For one thing, there are a lot of advantages to being as smart, comfy and well-presented as possible. Laundry is important for this as it keeps your clothes clean and hygienic, and this is very important.

Another reason laundry matters so much is because it is a good routine and habit to get into. University life is about being self-reliant, and learning to look after yourself with valuable skills that will come into play later in life. Laundry is a life skill that will play a prominent role in life in general, and needs to be a key part of your university experience.

5-Step Guide to the Laundry Process

When you are looking for some of the best ways of saving money on your laundry, you first need to know what the process is for doing laundry effectively as a student. There are a lot of elements that play a role in making the most of laundry as a student, and here are 10 steps that you need to get right when it comes to making the most of this:

1. Choose the Right Time

Choosing the right time to do your laundry as a student is essential, and this means getting to grips with your schedule as much as possible. Choosing the optimal time to be able to do your laundry is a great way of being able to make the process less stressful and more organised.

2. Figure Out Where the On-Site Facilities Are

One of the core steps when you are looking to take charge of your laundry at university is figuring out where the on-site facilities are that will allow you to do this.

3. Let Your Dirty Washing Mount Up

Rather than having to use the facilities and do your laundry on a regular basis, and cut into valuable studying and partying time, instead you should let your dirty washing mount up so you can do a full load or two, and get it all clean at the same time.

4. Stock up on Detergent and Fabric Softener

Stocking up on detergent and fabric softener to allow you to make the most of this and use long-term without having to buy more on a regular basis. So, this is something that you need to get right as much as possible.

5. Have a Contingency Plan

You have to make sure you come up with a contingency plan to help you get your laundry sorted out when there might be issues with the machines you’re using, or you are finding the cost mounting. Even Airbnb hosts with laundry needs come up with contingencies to help them stay on top of their laundry, so you need to do the same.

Understand Why Laundry is Important

Cost-Effective Ways of Doing Laundry

One of the key parts of being able to do laundry effectively as a student is to make sure you find cost-effective ways of tackling it. There are plenty of things that play a role in this process, and you need to come up with some great solutions when you are looking to reduce the costs of doing laundry and save money as a student.

Here are some of the best and most cost-effective ways of being able to do laundry and save money as a student.

Laundry Buddy

A laundry buddy is one of the best and most unique options you could choose to help with this. Pairing up with a friend, and doing your laundry together, whilst alternating who pays, is a cost-effective way of being able to tackle this effectively, but it does mean a larger cost when it’s your turn, and you need to be completely in sync.

Do Fewer Washes

Fewer washes is another technique you can implement to try to ensure that you reduce the costs involved in doing your washing as a student. This can be frustrating though, as you may need garments that are not yet washed.

Bulk Buy Detergent

Bulk buying detergent is a great way of being able to reduce the regular costs of laundry, and if it is good value, it can last you quite a while. This is a good way of being able to reduce costs, but it does mean having to store lots of detergent.

Use the Love2Laundry App

If you’re looking to save money on laundry as a student, by far the best way to do this is to use the Love2Laundry app to meet all of your laundry and dry cleaning needs at affordable prices. At Love2Laundry, we like to think we’re the best laundry app for students looking to stay on top of laundry and dry cleaning – we even offer a student discount too!

Why Love2Laudry is the Answer

Love2Laundry is perhaps the best option for students looking to save money on their laundry, and we offer a friendly, professional and practical service that can really transform your laundry needs, and make your life more enjoyable as a result. Get in touch with our friendly and knowledgeable team of experts, and we will sort out collection and delivery

Whether you’re making fashion choices based on Love Island influencer value or what the latest celebs are wearing, it is important to make sure you look after your clothes and get them washed and dry cleaned properly. This is why Love2Laundry plays such a key role in helping you to look after your laundry needs as a student.

Cost-Effective Ways of Doing Laundry

Closing Thoughts

Laundry is a life skill that is a key part of living alone, and it’s no different when you are a student. In fact, in many ways, this is an important life skill that is going to have a massive impact on your future well-being, so you need to look at some of the best ways of being able to achieve this in a successful and cost-effective way. This is why you need to come up with some of the best options that will save you money on laundry as much as possible.


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