How to Effectively Plan Laundry
Posted on Laundry Hacks

How to Effectively Plan Laundry

Do you need help tackling the laundry load? If the thought of sorting, washing, drying and ironing fills you with dread, it is time to put a plan that will turn laundry into a stress-free task.

The average Brit will complete approximately 13,000 laundry loads in their lifetime, which can be a lot of time. This is extended further if a proper plan is not in place. By becoming organised, you will never again have to stress about not having a clean item or worry about the time needed to complete an essential task.

As laundry experts, we have some handy hints and tips that will help you effectively plan laundry. Whether you are only responsible for your items or have a family to care for, this advice can be used by anyone. Keep reading if you need help putting the love back into your laundry chores!

Why Is It Important To Have A Plan Of Action For Tackling Laundry?

Before we revolutionise your laundry life, it’s important to consider why having a plan is a good idea. This will motivate anyone to take the time to arrange their laundry instead of leaving it to the last minute.

One of the main reasons is that effective laundry can offer a sustainable way to reduce an environmental footprint. This is because less water and energy are being used. Also, by combining washloads of using a professional service, this saving can be further enhanced. Another benefit of planning laundry is that you never run out of time to get items cleaned before they are needed again. From dirty school uniforms to running out of underwear, we have all had to deal with a mad dash to the laundry basket at one point. By considering when items are needed, how long laundry machines take and what finished processes are required, you will never be without an essential item again.

Other reasons for planning laundry in advance include getting better results thanks to targeted treatments, less financial spend overall and reduced stress levels.

Can Planning Laundry In Advance Save Time?

Yes, planning laundry in advance will save time. This is because washing can be effectively sorted in order of priority. By doing this, you are more likely to be able to group similar items together that may have otherwise been treated separately.

Saving time on laundry is an advantage to residential homes and commercial operations. Within business settings, this can equal better ROI on salaries paid for housekeeping professionals, as more can be done and quicker turnarounds of spaces mean more clients can be catered to.

Best Ways To Plan Laundry Duties

Best Ways To Plan Laundry Duties

Now that you know why laundry planning is effective, we will share the best ways to achieve organisation.

Invest in laundry organisation systems.  A great way to plan laundry is to have an organisational method in place, which effectively means it sorts itself. Not everyone has the luxury of a utility room, but that doesn’t mean you can still organise items. Something as simple as having a laundry basket which encourages people to separate the colours can save lots of time when it comes to doing the actual washing. Also, you should take time to organise laundry accessories like cleaning products, drying tools, and even coathangers, as this means you can not only complete the chore more quickly but also see instantly if something is running low or damaged. Planning doesn’t just mean having a schedule in advance but also implementing measures that remove any problems before they have a chance to arise.

Buy laundry cleaning products in advance. We also recommend regularly purchasing laundry care items if you plan on completing the chore at home. The best way to do this is to have a monthly check-in around payday, looking at any items that will need to be replaced during the next month. You can also look to buy items in bulk if you search online or use wholesale retailers. From laundry sheets to ironing water, without essential laundry items, your loads will not receive the full attention they require. By planning ahead and purchasing products, you can ensure you are never faced with a dirty pile of washing and an empty detergent bottle.

Always sort laundry according to symbols, materials and colours. Are you guilty of ignoring the needs of individual items when it comes to laundry? If so, you are not alone, as 1 in 10 people don’t even know what symbols mean!

One of the best ways to plan laundry is to sort items using the care label instructions, colours, and materials. This means you can reduce the overall number of washes in most instances, as you are never left with a few items that cannot be included in a load with other pieces. Instead, you have a steady way of organising laundry to keep the chore effective. Laundry care symbols and other differentiating factors are also important as they give you the advice needed to keep items in great condition.

Keep an eye on the weather. Another way to plan laundry is to watch the weather app. We are sure you will agree there is nothing worse than having to redo your washing if it rains or realising you have a large pile of items that could have been washed and dried at the end of a sunny day.

By checking the weather at the start of the week, you can create a plan of action for when items can be washed if you have the option to dry them outside. This is also effective even if you don’t have a garden, as placing an airer next to an open window with warm air will dry items effectively. This means you can get more laundry done in a shorter space of time!

Create a routine for washing all items. You should also create a plan of action for how you will tackle the task itself. Some of our top pieces of advice for creating a routine are as follows:

  • Always plan to wash heavier and larger items first, as they will take longer to dry.
  • Set yourself reminders for repetitive chores such as changing the bed sheets or washing gym gear. You can also implement habit stacking to naturally lead you to the laundry basket.
  • Have a daily plan with items assigned for each day. If you don’t have laundry, great, but if you do, it will keep things moving along steadily.
  • Ensure everyone in your household, if you live with others, knows the laundry routine.

Consider outsourcing the chore. If you think these tips sound great but still like too much work, you can also outsource the task of laundry to professionals like our team! This means all you have to do is book in a wash and your items are treated at a time of your choosing.

How Can Love2Laundry Help You To Effectively Plan Laundry?

How Can Love2Laundry Help You To Effectively Plan Laundry?

At Love2Laundry, we offer a seamless way to take the stress out of washing. Whether you don’t want to spend time planning or simply don’t have a desire to complete the chore, our service is ideal for you.

Professional Treatments

Our team uses the latest technology and their years of housekeeping experience to professionally treat items. With a service more hygienic than a laundrette and with the skills to treat a range of laundry woes, we are a reliable solution.

Book In Advance

You can create a routine of booking laundry loads and get them sorted in batches so that dirty clothing doesn’t even need to cross your mind.

No Need To Sort

We allow you to send specific items or bagged bundles with our team doing the sorting for you.


You can also save money thanks to our affordable pricing and popular membership programme designed to make laundry planning a breeze.

Do you want to learn more about our services? Contact us now.


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