How to Clean Football Boots in the Wash
Posted on Technology

How to Clean Football Boots in the Wash

Football boots are bound to get dirty, whether that’s through the sheer mud it goes through on a football pitch, or on the inside where a collection of sweat can sometimes leave some serious smells.

With that in mind, Love2laundry is here to help. In this blog, we will guide you on how to clean football boots in the wash. Whilst also providing essential and helpful information about the benefits of ironing and the alternatives we can share with you.

As a renowned and established service in personal and laundry services, we are extremely proud to offer a range of services to make your life easier. Whether you’re struggling to find the time, or suffering from physical issues, our services are here to make your life easier.

We provide laundry services, ironing services and dry cleaning. Whether it’s a delicate piece of clothing or your sweaty gym gear, we have all the right solutions to clean your items in the best way for them.

Why should you clean football boots quickly?

Why should you clean football boots quickly?

The beautiful game can also be quite a messy affair, literally. Because football is usually played on moist grass, and because the boots for these games are studded, there is bound to be mud flying about the pitch.

As a result, football boots can get quite dirty, especially in wet conditions. In any instance, football boots should be cleaned immediately after use. Leaving your football boots as they are can result in a few issues.

  • If the mud is left to dry, it can become a strong or even permanent stain on your boots.
  • Transporting muddy boots can create more mess if they aren’t covered properly.
  • If left to dry without any attempt to clean, strong and unpleasant smells can become a permanent issue with the boots.

But even if we take mud out of the equation, lots of people play football on concrete or astroturf, so mud becomes less of an issue, but sweat still is.

If sweat is left to dry in a dark humid environment, it can contribute to unpleasant smells lingering on the boots. Furthermore, if they are used again without drying, it can lead to issues such as athlete’s foot.

How do I clean the football boots I use daily?

We understand that everyone’s financial situation is different, therefore, some may not have the luxury of being able to afford more than one pair of reliable football boots. So what options are available for someone who uses football boots daily?

  • Purchase a cheaper pair of boots to alternate with your current pair.
  • Hand-clean your boots after each session and find a space for them to dry properly.

Football boots that are used daily will naturally be more difficult to clean and dry on time for the next game, this is why having a spare pair is the best option. Even using laundry services may take too much time for boots that are used daily.

Using a hairdryer to dry the boots can help, just make it not directly on the boots, and ensure a window is open whilst you’re doing it.

How to clean football boots in the wash

How to clean football boots in the wash

Before putting your football boots in the wash, you should first check if they are machine washable. This is because certain football boots of specific textures can be affected by the use of a washing machine.

As a result, the football boots can change size, become uncomfortable, softer than they are supposed to be, or weak in stitched areas. If your football boots can be washed in a washing machine, then they are likely going to need a short, colder wash, which is usually facilitated by a ‘sportswear’ option depending on your machine.

However, sometimes you may want to clean your football boots because of a bad smell coming from the inside, can you still put them in the wash? In truth, it is not a good idea to do this, especially if you know your boots are not machine washable. So what is the alternative?

Cleaning football boots by hand

The standard way of cleaning football boots is by scrubbing them, using specially made brushes, and some water and solutions (if necessary) you can clean the boots without mechanical assistance, although it will be time-consuming, it is much safer on the boot itself.

When it comes to the inside of the boot, if you’re cleaning it due to strong smells, there are cleaning solutions you can buy to facilitate the removal of the odour.

Alternatively, there are natural solutions such as using baking soda, water and white vinegar as a paste to scrub inside and outside the boot. After which you leave to dry naturally in the sun.

How do I dry football boots?

The best option for drying football boots is outside in direct sunlight. The heat from the sun in conjunction with the outdoor breeze helps to dry the boots without leaving a damp smell within them.

If you leave your boots in a dark warm area to dry, there is a risk it can grow mould, or develop a worse smell.

Of course, if your football boots are suitable for use in a dryer, you can put them in there, but this is subjective to the boots themselves and is not available for every football boot.

Can I get laundry done online?

Yes. Love2Laundry’s signature laundry service is a lifesaver for our users. Our process is extremely simple and can be explained in four steps.

  1. Head to our website or app, and place your order. Your order includes a date and time you would like us to collect your clothing.
  2. We collect your clothing at the designated time.
  3. We clean your clothing, and can also dry and iron them depending on the service you opt for.
  4. We return your clothing to you. Orders are always aimed to be delivered within 24 hours.

Laundry services can be crucial for people in a range of situations including…

  • Anyone who doesn’t have their own washing machine or access to a dry cleaner.
  • Anyone physically incapable of doing their washing.
  • People with limited time to dedicate to washing.
  • Large households can easily get overwhelmed by the amount of cleaning needed.
  • Anyone trying to reduce their energy bills. This is especially true for large households, as their washing machines will be in use far more frequently.

Can a laundry service clean my football boots?

A laundry service has the potential to clean football boots, but this is dependent on the laundry service themselves, and the cleaning requirements of the boots. With Love2Laundry, we have 24/7 customer support, simply get in touch with us to see if we can clean your football boots.

Where to find professional laundry services

Tips That Will Help Your Laundry Smell Great

At Love2Laundry, we believe in the valuable services laundrettes and ironing services can offer, that’s why we dedicate our service to making your clothes clean, long-lasting, fresh and uncreased.

There are plenty of great hacks online that will make it possible to treat certain items that need dry cleaning, washing or ironing, but without the professional products, services and tools offered by a laundrette or ironing service, it may be difficult to consistently get the results you are supposed to have.

we are proud that we offer a very competitively priced way for you to achieve a perfect finish for your items for an affordable cost and a fraction of the time.

In this blog, we hope that we have shown you how to clean football boots in the wash. Want to know how we can help you today? You can see our full price list or contact our friendly team to find out more about our services.

For further cleaning facts, our blog has a diverse selection of topics related to laundry and ironing.


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