Can I Wear Second-Hand Clothes Without Washing Them?
Posted on Pre-Loved Garments

Can I Wear Second-Hand Clothes Without Washing Them?

Can I wear second-hand clothes without washing them? Is doing this bad? We are going to go through what you need to know about it right here.

It can be tempting to go buy a bag full of great second-hand and walk the runway without doing a load of laundry first, you might want to think again. If you have ever asked yourself, ‘can I wear second-hand clothes without washing them?’, then this article is for you.

Here, we will go through why you definitely shouldn’t wear second-hand clothes without washing them first, and the reason behind it all. We’ll also give you some tips and tricks that you might want to think about when you’re about to do your first load of pre-loved laundry.

At Love2Laundry, we offer more than just laundry services for hotels and Airbnbs. We also offer removal services and can pick up broken laundry machines. We take pride in our sustainability, and can help you get your preloved clothes smelling brand-new if you don’t feel up to the task.

Why We Love Second-Hand Clothes at Love2Laundry

Why We Love Second-Hand Clothes at Love2Laundry

As many of us will already know, the clothing industry has a huge impact on the planet. It’s responsible for around 10% of global carbon emissions, according to the EU Parliament, and generated around 270 kg of CO2 emissions per person as of 2020. From that, only 1% of clothing items are recycled into new clothes – more than both global flight and maritime emissions combined.

It isn’t only the carbon emissions that are a problem in the world of fashion, though. Things like microplastics, which are not being found in human blood, are becoming increasingly problematic, alongside the excessive water and energy use it takes to produce these garments.

Add into the equation all the fashion production scandals over the years and the terrible working conditions of overseas workers, and you will quickly see how fast fashion is a global problem – and most of these items of clothing only last a few months because of their poor quality.

Despite these issues, some polls have shown us that over 50% of adults over the age of 45 are not willing to wear second-hand clothing because they are ‘poor quality’, ‘unhygienic’, and ‘tend to be faded’. Looking at younger age groups, however (those aged between 18–34) are far more likely to buy second-hand, with 60% being happy to do so.

Put all of these different factors together, and you can understand why we at Love2Laundry love it when people buy second-hand – but this does beg the question, ‘can I wear second-hand clothes without washing them?’.

The Benefits of Washing Second-Hand Clothes First

The Benefits of Washing Second-Hand Clothes First

Washing your clothes will not only help to deal with the collection of odd and unpleasant smells that are stuck in the fabric of your new garments, but it will help to sanitise them, too.

You see, second-hand clothes have had a life of their own already, and this means that there could be all kinds of things between those frills and seams. From something as simple as dust and dandruff to the less pleasant insect eggs or even mildew.

Not washing your second-hand clothes before wearing them puts you at risk of coming into contact with dangerous fungi, bacteria, parasites, and even chemicals. Things like scabies and like can be hugely problematic with second-hand clothes – but don’t worry! There are plenty of things that you can do to protect yourself and your household while still getting to enjoy the benefits of thrifting.

Before Washing, Do This

Any time we’re talking about second-hand clothes, we like to throw in that freezing them (yes, you read that right) is the first thing you should do. Freezing is great for all kinds of clothes, and also things like shoes. In fact, we definitely recommend freezing your shoes, too, since feet more often than not smell.

Put your second-hand clothing in a bag and stick it in the freezer for three to four days. When you take it out, the bacteria will be dead, and the garment will not only be safer to handle, but this will also get rid of a variety of smells. Unfortunately, this does mean that this method won’t work very well for other kinds of smells (e.g. food or oil), so you will need to try one of the other methods for that.

Once your clothes have been frozen for a few days, you can move on to washing them.

Can I Wear Second-Hand Clothes Without Washing Them?

Can I Wear Second-Hand Clothes Without Washing Them?

You could wear second-hand clothes without washing them, but we will never recommend this course of action for a number of reasons, many of which we’ve already talked about. From bacteria and fungi to chemicals and parasites, not being hygienic with your clothes can come at a price.

Even if you aren’t worried about the dangers for yourself, take into consideration anyone else who lives in your home and how these could impact them. Whether you have children or pets, or a partner, you should do everything you can to keep your home safe and sanitary – and that means treating second-hand clothes and washing them before you put them on.

What About Brand-New Clothes?

You might think that wearing brand-new clothes from the shop without washing them is fine – and you might be half right. While there are fewer risks of throwing on your new jeans from Next, we would still recommend washing them first.

The first reason is that others might have tried those jeans on before you bought them, but this isn’t the main reason. The main reason that you will want to do this is to actually get rid of the stiffness of the fabric!

Do this, and you will notice that your new jeans fit a lot better.

Book a Service With Love2Laundry

Book a Service With Love2Laundry

At Love2Laundry, we offer easy online commercial and personal services to help you take a load off in your busy life. Our app is perfect for anyone who wants to get their laundry back within 24 hours. From personal to commercial, our pricing can’t be beaten – especially with our membership and student discounts!

Love2Laundry’s signature laundry service is a lifesaver for our users, whether it is for personal or commercial use. All you need to do is call – no dropping off and no added headaches.

You can easily book a service with us by following these four simple steps:

  1. Hop on our website or app and plate an order. You will be asked to put in your postcode to find the nearest Love2Laundry, and also include a time and date for when you would like us to come and collect your items
  2. We will arrive at the designated time and date and pick up your items
  3. We tend to your items in accordance with the service you have selected, including dry cleaning, washing, drying, ironing, and so on
  4. We come back and return your items to you. We always aim to complete our orders and hand them back to you within 24 hours, but your order will always be with you before 48 hours are up.

At Love2Laundry, we offer laundry, ironing, dry cleaning services and more. We not only help you with all your laundry needs, but we help you learn tips and tricks to make your laundry life easier than ever.

Let Love2Laundry Help You

5 Top Tips to Make Pre-Loved Clothes Look New

So, can I wear second-hand clothes without washing them? You technically can, but we don’t recommend it – there will be bacteria and smells all over the garments that you likely aren’t going to want on you, so it’s safer and more hygienic if you wash all second-hand clothes before wearing them.

If you think pick-up laundry services would be a good fit for you, why not give us a call to learn more through the phone number or email address below?


0203 600 0296



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