Can I Do Laundry After Cataract Surgery
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Can I Do Laundry After Cataract Surgery

In the UK, more than 400,000 cataract surgeries are performed annually, and it is one of the most common procedures carried out by the NHS.

If you are due an operation, or have recently had surgery, chances are you will have lots of questions around how best to navigate time once you are recovering. At Love2Laundry, we have made it our mission to make life easier for everyone. From busy working professionals to entire sports teams, we offer a solution that gets laundry done with ease.

In this article, we will explore whether or not laundry can be completed by someone who has just had cataract surgery.

What Is Cataract Surgery?

Cataract surgery is a procedure which involves replacing the inner eye lens with an artificial one. This is required as eyesight starts to deteriorate, and a cloudy-like view can be experienced. Most common in older patients, cataracts will gradually get worse before surgery is needed.

Although a routine operation, it can take anywhere between two and six weeks to recover fully from cataract surgery. Furthermore, even though success rates are typically high if a proper recovery period is not taken, more damage could be caused to the eye. This is why it’s essential to understand what chores and activities are approved to take place for the weeks following surgery.

Is It a Good Idea to Do Laundry After Cataract Surgery?

You may be relieved (or not so happy!) to hear that it’s recommended that most housework be avoided for the first few weeks after surgery. This includes laundry, as it’s classed as somewhat of a strenuous activity that requires someone to lean, bend, and move around. During the initial recovery phases, this could lead to strain being placed on the eye, causing the new lens to not settle as intended.

Another reason that laundry should be avoided after cataract surgery is due to the risk of infection. Something as seemingly minor as getting residue from a laundry detergent sheet in the eye could build up bacteria, which negatively impacts recovery periods.

We know it can be frustrating not to be able to perform the activity that makes laundry smell good; however, it’s only for a short period of time compared to the years of improved vision that are available for most.

What Other Activities Should Be Avoided After Cataract Surgery?

It’s not just laundry that needs to be put on the back burner for a few weeks. In fact, any tasks that require strenuous movement should be avoided at all costs. Around the house, this includes everyday tasks such as changing the bed, cooking, running a bath, hoovering and even emptying the rubbish bin.

Aside from being mindful of certain household chores which could hamper the recovery process after cataract surgery, the following should also be avoided:

  • Wearing eye make-up should be avoided for at least two weeks as this could lead to bacteria entering the eye. There is also a need to rub the eye area when removing make-up, which can lead to further irritation. Make-up should only be worn once again when a professional advises that it’s safe to do so.
  • Driving should also be avoided as vision will be impacted until recovery is complete. It’s best to line up friends and family to support during this time.
  • Visiting swimming pools, hot tubs and even saunas is also something to avoid due to the risk of bacteria entering the eye. These activities should be avoided for at least six weeks as the eye needs to be completely healed in order to offer resilience to germs. Furthermore, products in water such as chlorine, can cause general irritation which will delay recovery.
  • Finally, eyes should be protected at all times. This can be done with eye-shields during the first few weeks and then the use of sunglasses when outside after this period. Patients will notice that eyes will be more sensitive to light and brightness for some time after surgery.

How Can You Manage Laundry Duties After Cataract Surgery?

How Can You Manage Laundry Duties After Cataract Surgery?

Now that we have confirmed laundry shouldn’t be completed in the weeks after cataract surgery, we want to alleviate any worries you may have about cleaning your clothes with our laundry service solution. Thanks to our app, you can get your laundry done in the same way you would order a convenient meal from Uber Eats.

This is ideal if you don’t have a friend or family member available to help with the chore. Also, as there are likely lots of other areas you will be getting help in post-surgery, you may not want to request another favour.

With our mobile laundry service, not only can you receive direct help getting washing completed, but we also offer lots of advice on how often to wash items. This ensures that only essential laundry is on your task list to sort after surgery which can reduce stress levels every further.

What Are the Benefits of Using Love2Laundry Whilst Healing From Cataract Surgery?

Our sustainable solution to laundry practices are fantastic for those who have just had cataract, or any other form of surgery. As well as being convenient, the following benefits outline how we can make the healing process easier.

Outsource the Task Completely

Firstly, by using Love2Laundry, one chore can be completely removed from the radar of anyone recovering from surgery. Having less to think and worry about is essential, as the body needs to benefit from positive hormones to promote rapid healing.

There’s nothing worse than feeling like you need to rest and being concerned about how long the laundry machine will take or having to redo washing if it rains. Outsourcing means all laundry woes are sent away in just a few clicks.

Additionally, the practicalities of not being able to see properly after surgery should be accounted for. A task like checking laundry symbols on clothing items can be frustrating when vision is not 100%. By sending items away, our team can do the work for you.

No Need to Travel to Get Laundry Done

Another benefit we offer for those recovering from cataract surgery is that our team collect and return items when requested. This means not even having to leave the house in order to get items cleaned by someone else.

When booking the service, all you have to do is confirm the date, time, and location. Then, our team will know what instructions to follow. This could be at your home, someone else’s house, or even at your place of work.

Additionally, although launderettes can be considered hygienic to use, not all have high standards. If you are choosing to be done elsewhere and are currently recovering, you could run the risk of bacteria entering the eye during healing.

Rapid Order Process for Minimise Eye Strain

To book Love2Laundry, all you have to do is use our app or website, which can be done even if you are lying in bed and getting some much-needed rest. The booking process is simple which means you don’t have to incur any lengthy eye-strain during a long checkout process.

Furthermore, you can also book appointments in advance. This means you can create a schedule for chores before surgery and not even have to worry about finding the time or energy to book in a laundry service.

Try Love2Laundry Now!

If you are recovering from cataract surgery, we have the perfect solution to eliminate laundry worries from your radar. Thanks to our speedy and high-quality service, our laundry pick-up organisation is reshaping how domestic chores are managed by everyone.

Click the link to learn more about how to manage laundry services in Manchester and other cities around the UK.

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