How to Deal with Laundry When You're on Holiday
Posted on Laundry Hacks

How to Deal with Laundry When You’re on Holiday

Read this article to find out how to deal with laundry when you’re on holiday, and why you will never look back – it’ll change your life.

If you want to know how to deal with laundry when you’re on holiday, you aren’t alone. Although most of us have a habit of packing enough clothes for a month when we’re only going away for a week, the opposite can still happen. Accidents and mix-ups can happen too, and these can all result in you needing to do laundry for a holiday.

At Love2Laundry, we understand that dealing with laundry when you’re out of the house can be a challenge on its own. However, sometimes we need to do what we need to do, whether it was planned or not.

So, read on if you want to know how to deal with laundry when you’re on holiday, and what you should be looking out for when you book your accommodations.

Holidays and Laundry – it Can be a Nightmare

Holidays and Laundry – it Can be a Nightmare

It’s unlikely that you will need to do any kind of laundry on a short trip, but never say never. Anyone who decides to go travelling for weeks, months, or even years, however, will need to know how to do laundry on the go – no matter how unpleasant and difficult it may be.

With that being said, getting your own laundry done on holiday isn’t usually something that you need to dread. There will be challenges depending on where you go, but a solution will always present itself.

How to Deal with Laundry When You’re on Holiday

How to Deal with Laundry When You're on Holiday

Knowing how to deal with laundry when you’re on holiday can be broken down into three simple steps: taking the necessary items with you, packing the appropriate clothes, and booking a suitable place.

We will go through each of these below.

Take the Necessary Items With You

It’s always best to take these necessary items with you in case you are not able to find a laundromat or your accommodation doesn’t provide laundry services:

  • Laundry bag
  • Stain remover
  • Travel clothes line
  • Laundry detergent

With these items, you can set yourself up for getting your laundry done no matter where you are. Just remember that there will be limitations for carrying liquids overseas, so you might be better off getting detergents when you arrive at your location.

Pack the Appropriate Clothes

Some clothes are better than others if you plan on doing laundry while on holiday. We recommend taking clothes that don’t need a lot of time and dedication, and definitely leave delicate wash clothes behind if possible.

Stick with garments that don’t take a long time to wash or dry, and preferably garments that can be hung up to dry out. This way, you can do minimal work and still get the best results while knowing that you won’t be ruining your clothes in any way.

Book a Suitable Place

Depending on how you want to deal with laundry when you’re on holiday, you need to make sure you book the right kind of accommodation. What do we mean? It’s simple, really.

This is what you will want to consider if you plan on doing laundry while on holiday:

  • Accommodation near a laundromat – if you want to use a laundromat, make sure to do your research on the available facilities in the area before you book accommodation. Depending on where you go, there are often a number of laundromats in tourist areas because everyone knows how popular they can be.
  • Accommodation with laundry machines – if you prefer to do your laundry a bit closer to home, you can find accommodation that includes laundry facilities in the building that you can use. These are often available for a small fee, and are very effective and popular.
  • Accommodation with laundry services – if you don’t feel like handling the laundry yourself, find accommodation that has laundry services that you can make use of. These services are usually only available in more expensive accommodation options and hotels, and you should expect to pay a premium for it.

Always keep in mind the cost of facilities when you book your accommodations, too. If you are going to use a laundromat, check the reviews and website to see if you can find anything about prices. It isn’t too uncommon for shops to put their prices up if they are located in tourist areas, because people are usually more than happy to pay for convenience.

What to do if There Are no Nearby Facilities

What to do if There Are no Nearby Facilities

If you booked a holiday to the middle of nowhere, you might not have the option to do any of the above – but that doesn’t mean that there’s no way for you to do any laundry. As long as you have water and your detergents or soaps, there’s a way.

You can easily wash clothes in a sink or any other kind of container, including a large bowl or a bucket, if there is one available. While it isn’t as easy as using a machine, hand-washing might be the only way if you are desperate to get some laundry done for any reason.

The sink is the perfect option for smaller garments like socks and underwear, and maybe shirts. It might not be much fun, but it gets the job done and will give you some much-needed clean clothes.

Let Love2Laundry Help

Let Love2Laundry Help

At Love2Laundry, we offer easy online services to help you take a load off in your easy life. Our app is perfect for anyone who wants to get their laundry back within 24 hours. From personal to commercial, our pricing can’t be beaten – especially with our membership discounts!

If you are going on holiday and find yourself in need of getting your laundry done and returned to you within 24 hours, you might be able to use a laundry service like us. We have facilities in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Bolton, Oxford, and beyond.

You’ll love to know that we even have locations abroad – including the USA, Pakistan, Bahrain, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Ireland, and the Netherlands. Abroad or in the UK, Love2Laundry is never too far away.

So, if you want to hire professionals to see to it that your laundry gets done while you enjoy your holiday, there are great options for you.

There’s Another Option

If you don’t want to have to deal with doing any laundry at all for your holiday, you can side step it by making sure to pack enough clothes. Of course, this isn’t viable for longer holidays, but a week or two is easy enough to pack for if you are smart about it.

We would all prefer not to do laundry if we can get away with it, so by planning ahead, you might be able to wait until you get home.

Make Your Laundry Life Easier With Love2Laundry

How to Deal with Static Cling in Laundry

At Love2Laundry, you can learn about keeping up with laundry in a large family, laundry hacks to save time, how to effectively plan laundry, and so much more.

If you want to learn about summer laundry tips, hacks for people who don’t have time for laundry, and how to make laundry easier with ADHD, we have articles for it all. We also talk about if a 30-minute wash is enough for your clothes, and 7 great hacks you need to try to make your laundry life easier.

Now that you know how to deal with laundry when you’re on holiday, you can stop worrying about it so much! There are plenty of options available to you, from using laundromats or in-house facilities to laundry services or even using your own sink. Whatever works, works – in the end, you will just be grateful to have clean clothes.

If you think pick-up laundry services would be a good fit for you, why not give us a call to learn more through the phone number or email address below?


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