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How to Get Rid of Mould and Mildew Smells from Laundry

– Read this article to find out how to get rid of mould and mildew smells from laundry, and also get it out of your closet – it’s easier than you think!

Anyone who is used to doing laundry will know that unpleasant odours are all too common. Here at Love2Laundry, we know it too – which is why we want to tell you how to get rid of mould and mildew smells from laundry to keep it smelling its best.

If you want to learn about summer laundry tips, hacks for people who don’t have time for laundry, and how to make laundry easier with ADHD, we have articles for it all. We also talk about if a 30-minute wash is enough for your clothes, and 7 great hacks you need to try to make your laundry life easier.

For now, let’s learn about how to get rid of mould and mildew smells from laundry. 

What Causes Mould and Mildew Smells in Laundry?

What Causes Mould and Mildew Smells in Laundry?

There’s one nemesis that we will all be familiar with in laundry – moisture. Whether you forgot about that load in the dryer or you accidentally left your laundry out in the rain, moisture is the cause for so many problems, including mould and mildew smells.

This means that there is one seemingly easy solution to preventing these smells from making their home in your clothing: dry them properly and quickly. However, this may be easier said than done, and we understand that. Faulty machines, sudden weather changes, there are numerous reasons for why you might not be able to get your clothes dry quickly – so what can you do to get rid of that smell?

How to Get Rid of Mould and Mildew Smells from Laundry

How to Get Rid of Mould and Mildew Smells from Laundry

There are several methods to opt for if you want to get rid of mould and mildew smells from laundry, and we will cover some of the most effective below. If you have struggled with these unpleasant smells for some time, you are definitely going to want to try these tips and tricks.

White Vinegar Saves the Day (Again)

By now, we are all aware of just how useful white vinegar can be in household cleaning. This ingredient is incredible for removing odours and even stains, which makes it the ultimate secret weapon when it comes to laundry.

White vinegar is capable of removing the build-up of both hard water and detergent on your fabrics, which can cause your garments to trap moisture due to the residue. To effectively use white vinegar in your laundry, you can add around ½ a cup into a front-loading laundry machine instead of using fabric softener. For top-load machines, a full cup will be suitable.

Alternatively, you can wash your musty clothing in hot water and a cup of vinegar on its own – just make sure that the water you use is suitable for the fabric you are washing, or else you could destroy your clothes.

Borax or Borax Substitute

If you can’t easily get your hands on Borax (depending on where you are in the world), a substitute like sodium sesquicarbonate should do the trick, too.

For this, we recommend soaking the fabrics in a tub full of hot water and adding around ½ a cup to the mixture. Leave everything to soak for an hour, then wash them as normal – but remember to properly dry them!

Baking Soda is Another Classic

Sticking with the theme of useful household items in cleaning, we have baking soda. This method goes hand-in-hand with the vinegar, as baking soda is great for being sprinkled over clothing in the machine to remove all those musty smells. Use around ½ a cup for this method.

To rinse, we recommend adding some white vinegar into the mix to get everything smelling clean and fresh again.

Exposure to Sunlight

We know – living in the UK, there isn’t always a lot of sunlight to go around, and this is impossible in the winter. However, if you are able to, using the sun to dry your clothes is always a good idea (just turn them inside out so that they don’t get sun bleached).

A breeze will help with airflow around the fabric, which can go a long way when you want your garments to smell fresh. More than that, the sun is capable of killing the microbes that cause the mildew or mouldy smell, so it’s a no-brainer.

This method works best on natural fabrics like cotton, and too much sun exposure on synthetic fabrics can tear the fibres, just like the sun can make plastic brittle. So, if you want to use this method, we recommend using it on cottons, but you might find that it is not suitable for other garments, including leather, as it will make the leather dry and crack.

Enzyme Odour Removers

A lot of the unpleasant, musty smells in clothing comes from everyday things like body odour and sweat. We’re human, so this is to be expected and completely normal – but we don’t want to have to smell it on our clothes all day.

This is where enzyme odour removers can save the day. These enzyme cleaners, which are available in just about every supermarket, will target enzymes and organic matter on the clothing, including sweat, mould, organic waste, stains, and more. For this reason, they are also great if you have pets that have peed on fabrics like carpets, as these cleaners will get rid of the odour.

Other Useful Options

Some other useful options for removing the mould and mildew smells from your clothes include the following:

  • Non-Chlorine Bleach (hydrogen peroxide)
  • Lemon and table salt

Remember to get rid of these smells as soon as possible, as prolonged exposure can have concerning health consequences, especially for young children, immunocompromised people, and pregnant people.

Getting Rid of These Smells in the Closet

Getting Rid of These Smells in the Closet

If you have mould or mildew smells on your clothes, there’s a good chance that you also have it in your wardrobe or closet.

The best way to deal with this is by using some regular washing-up liquid (e.g. Fairy Liquid) mixed with some water. Use a damp sponge to carefully clean the interior of the wardrobe, and see if that does the trick.

If you still notice smells when it dries, use some baking soda to absorb the smells – like you would use it for anything else in the house. Simply pour some baking soda onto a plate and leave it in the wardrobe overnight. If the smell lingers the next day, repeat the process with some fresh baking soda.

Let Love2Laundry Help

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At Love2Laundry, we offer easy online services to help you take a load off in your easy life. Our app is perfect for anyone who wants to get their laundry back within 24 hours. From personal to commercial, our pricing can’t be beaten – especially with our membership discounts!

Our sustainable laundry practices and quality services mean that you can do what you love, while we take care of the laundry.

Make Your Laundry Life Easier With Love2Laundry

Make Your Laundry Life Easier With Love2Laundry

When you start to notice the mould and mildew smells in your clothes, the natural reaction is to be horrified. However, there are things that you can do to get rid of it and prevent it from happening in the first place.

Hopefully our article on how to get rid of mould and mildew smells from laundry has been useful, and you can now get your clothes smelling fresh in no time.

At Love2Laundry, you can learn about keeping up with laundry in a large family, laundry hacks to save time, how to effectively plan laundry, and so much more.

If you think pick-up laundry services would be a good fit for you, why not give us a call to learn more through the phone number or email address below?


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