How to Keep Up With Laundry in a Large Family
Posted on Laundry Hacks

How to Keep Up With Laundry in a Large Family

Having a large family means that certain tasks that require organisation, such as laundry, can become a challenge depending on the circumstances. So what is the best way to effectively manage a large family’s laundry without consuming too much time?

In this blog, we will be addressing key points, and additional information worth considering regarding how to keep up with laundry in a large family.

As a renowned and established service in personal and laundry services, we are extremely proud to offer a range of services to make your life easier. Whether you’re struggling to find the time, or suffering from physical issues, our services are here to make your life easier.

We provide laundry services, ironing services and dry cleaning, and more. Whether it’s a delicate piece of clothing or your sweaty gym gear, or even if you have commercial laundry needs, we have all the right solutions to clean your items in the best way for them.

What are the difficulties of a laundry routine with a large family?

What are the difficulties of a laundry routine with a large family?

A large family brings a lot of love, but also a lot of laundry! Here’s why keeping up with a laundry routine can be particularly challenging in a big household:

Sheer Volume:

The most obvious difficulty is the sheer volume of laundry generated. With more people, there are simply more clothes, towels, bedding, and other items that need constant washing. This can quickly overwhelm washing machines and dryers, leading to a never-ending cycle of laundry.

Sorting Challenges:

Sorting dirty clothes can become a monumental task with a large family. Separating lights from darks, delicates from everyday wear, and individual clothing items for different family members can be time-consuming and frustrating, especially with limited space.

Limited Time and Resources:

Finding the time and energy to manage laundry amidst the daily chaos of a large family can be difficult. Busy schedules, after-school activities, and other family commitments can make it hard to dedicate enough time to consistent laundry routines. Additionally, the constant need for detergent, fabric softener, and dryer sheets can add up financially.

Folding Frenzy:

Folding clean laundry can feel like an endless battle in a large family. With piles of clothes growing faster than you can fold them, keeping up can feel overwhelming. This can lead to unfolded clothes dominating chairs, beds, or even the floor, creating a sense of clutter and disorganization.

Conflicting Needs:

With different ages and activity levels, family members might have varying laundry needs. Teens might have heavily soiled sports uniforms, while babies require frequent outfit changes, and adults might have delicates that require special care. Accommodating these diverse needs within a single laundry routine can be complex.

Misplaced Items:

With so many clothes circulating through the wash, it’s easy for socks to lose their partners, or for small items like handkerchiefs to disappear into the laundry abyss. This can lead to frustration and wasted time searching for missing clothing pieces.

How to keep up with laundry in a large family

How to keep up with laundry in a large family

Here are some strategies to help you keep up with laundry in a large family:

Divide and Conquer:

  • Sorting Stations: Set up designated laundry baskets for each family member (or colour categories) to avoid sorting a giant pile all at once.
  • Laundry Teams: Assign laundry tasks or create a laundry schedule. Older children can help with sorting, folding, or putting away clothes.

Optimise Washing:

  • Full Loads, Frequent Washes: Aim to wash full loads whenever possible to maximise machine efficiency. Consider doing multiple smaller loads throughout the week instead of waiting for a massive laundry mountain.
  • Quick Wash Cycles: For lightly soiled clothes, utilise quick wash cycles to save time.
  • Staggered Laundry Days: If everyone has their own laundry basket, they can each be responsible for washing their clothes on designated days throughout the week. This spreads out the workload and prevents a laundry overload on any single day.

Minimise Folding:

  • Hang Clothes Wisely: Encourage hanging clothes directly from the dryer whenever possible, especially wrinkle-resistant items or shirts. This saves folding time and reduces ironing needs.
  • Fold Only Essentials: Prioritise folding clothes that are worn frequently. The rest can be left unfolded in drawers or tackled later.
  • Folding Stations: Set up a dedicated folding area with baskets or bins for each family member to claim their folded clothes.

Reduce Laundry Needs:

  • “Wear Again” Clothes: Encourage family members to wear clothes multiple times before washing, only if they haven’t been heavily soiled.
  • Towel Reuse: Limit the number of towels used per person each day. Encourage hanging up towels to dry between uses to extend their time between washes.
  • Minimise Delicates: Choose easy-care clothes that don’t require special washing instructions or hand-washing.
  • Outsource your laundry: By giving your laundry requirements to a professional service, you are significantly reducing the time, money, and effort that would be expended on cleaning the family’s collective laundry.

Bonus Tips:

  • Laundry Basket Liners: Use disposable liners in laundry baskets to contain small items like socks or tissues that might get lost in the washing machine.
  • Invest in a Drying Rack: A drying rack can be a lifesaver for delicates or air-dry items that shouldn’t go in the dryer.
  • Outsource When Needed: Consider laundry delivery or pick-up services if your budget allows. This can be a lifesaver during particularly busy times.

Remember, focus on progress, not perfection. The goal is to establish a system that works for your family, not necessarily a perfectly organised laundry room. Try to celebrate small wins, acknowledge and celebrate your progress in managing laundry as a large family.

There will be days when the laundry monster wins. Don’t get discouraged, just recommit to your system and keep moving forward.

By implementing these strategies and tailoring them to your family’s specific needs and preferences, you can develop a laundry routine that keeps everyone clothed and minimizes the laundry chaos in your large household.

Do laundry service serve families too?

Yes. Laundry services not only cover commercial and individual laundry needs, they are more than capable of addressing your family’s laundry needs, regardless of the size. Here’s how you can organise it today!

Love2Laundry’s signature laundry service is a lifesaver for our users, whether it is for personal or commercial use. Our process is extremely simple and can be explained in four steps.

  1. Head to our website or app, and place your order. Your order includes a date and time you would like us to collect your items.
  2. We collect your items at the designated time.
  3. We clean your items, and can also dry and iron them, depending on the service you opt for.
  4. We return your items to you. Orders are always aimed to be delivered within 24 hours.

The best way to handle laundry

The best way to handle laundry

At Love2Laundry, we believe in the valuable services laundrettes and ironing, and cleaning services can offer, that’s why we dedicate our service to making your clothes clean, long-lasting, fresh and uncreased.

There are plenty of great hacks online that will make it possible to treat certain items that need dry cleaning, washing, or ironing. But without the professional products, services, and tools offered by a laundrette or ironing service, it may be difficult to consistently get the results you are supposed to have.

We are proud that we offer competitively priced services for you to achieve a perfect finish for your items for an affordable cost and a fraction of the time.

In this blog, we hope to have shown you vital information to help you know how to keep up with laundry in a large family. Want to know how we can help you today? You can see our full price list or contact our friendly team to find out more about our services.

For further cleaning facts, our blog has a diverse selection of topics related to laundry and ironing.

You can contact us via website or by phone or email.


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