5 Laundry Hacks That Will Save You Time
Posted on Laundry Hacks

5 Laundry Hacks That Will Save You Time

Laundry can end up being a very time-consuming process, so there must be methods you can employ in order to speed up the process? But which is the best?

In this blog, we will be addressing key points, and additional information worth considering regarding 5 laundry hacks that will save you time

As a renowned and established service in personal and laundry services, we are extremely proud to offer a range of services to make your life easier. Whether you’re struggling to find the time, or suffering from physical issues, our services are here to make your life easier.

We provide laundry services, ironing services and dry cleaning, and more. Whether it’s a delicate piece of clothing or your sweaty gym gear, or even if you have commercial laundry needs, we have all the right solutions to clean your items in the best way for them.

Why do washing cycles take long?

Although there are some shorter washing cycles available, modern washing machines take longer cycles compared to older models for a few key reasons:

  • Focus on Water Efficiency: Modern machines are designed to be much more water-efficient than their predecessors. This means they use less water per cycle. However, to achieve the same level of cleaning with less water, the wash cycle needs to be longer to allow for sufficient soaking, agitation, and rinsing.
  • Gentler on Clothes: Modern washers use gentler drum movements and lower spin speeds to minimize wear and tear on clothes. While this extends the lifespan of your garments, it can also extend the wash cycle compared to older machines with more aggressive agitation.
  • Sensor Technology: Many modern washers are equipped with sensors that adjust the cycle based on the load size and soil level. This can sometimes lead to longer cycles, as the machine takes more time to assess the laundry and determine the optimal cleaning settings.
  • Additional Features: Some washing machines offer additional features like pre-wash cycles, steam cleaning, or sanitize settings. These features can further extend the overall cycle time.

Here’s a quick comparison:


Older Washing Machines

Modern Washing Machines

Water Usage


Lower (More water-efficient)

Wash Cycle Time



Impact on Clothes

More wear and tear

Gentler on clothes



May have sensors and additional features


While longer cycles can be inconvenient, the benefits of water efficiency and gentler care for your clothes are significant. Additionally, some modern machines offer faster wash cycles for lightly soiled clothes, allowing you to choose the cycle that best suits your needs.

What happens if I clean my clothes with a cycle that is too short?

Choosing a wash cycle that’s too short for your laundry can lead to a few problems. The biggest concern is ineffective cleaning. Clothes might not be properly agitated or rinsed, leaving behind dirt, sweat, or even traces of detergent. This can lead to unpleasant odours, visible stains, or a general feeling that your clothes aren’t truly clean.

In some cases, a short cycle might not be strong enough to remove certain types of stains, especially if they’re set-in or oily. You might also experience issues with bacteria or allergens not being fully eliminated, which could be a concern for people with sensitive skin or allergies.

Another potential consequence is increased wear and tear on your clothes. Shorter cycles often rely on harsher detergents or higher spin speeds to compensate for the limited cleaning time. This can damage delicate fabrics or shorten the lifespan of your garments.

5 laundry hacks that will save you time

5 laundry hacks that will save you time

Sort As You Go:

This might be the ultimate time-saver! Instead of sorting a giant pile of dirty laundry all at once, establish two laundry baskets (or designate sections in one) for darks and lights/brights/whites. As you take clothes off, put them directly in the appropriate hamper. This eliminates a whole sorting step later and saves you time in the long run.

Master the Quick Wash Cycle:

Many modern washing machines have quick wash cycles designed for lightly soiled clothes or everyday wear. Utilise these cycles for items that don’t require heavy-duty cleaning. They can significantly reduce laundry time without sacrificing cleanliness for everyday clothes.

Embrace the Power of Multi-Tasking:

Folding laundry isn’t exactly the most thrilling activity. Turn laundry time into a multitasking opportunity! Listen to your favourite music, podcasts, or audiobooks while folding or sorting. You can even catch up on emails or phone calls while waiting for a load to finish drying.

Minimize Folding (or Ditch It Altogether!):

Folding can be a time-consuming chore. Consider hanging clothes directly from the dryer whenever possible, especially shirts and wrinkle-resistant items. For clothes that require folding, prioritise items you wear frequently and fold those first. The rest can be tackled later or even left unfolded in drawers if space allows.

Team Up or Outsource:

Don’t be afraid to ask for help! If you live with family or roommates, delegate laundry tasks or establish a laundry schedule. Consider laundry delivery or pick-up services if your budget allows. Freeing yourself from some responsibility can save you significant time and reduce laundry stress.

The best time-saving laundry hack

Undoubtedly, the best way to save time with your laundry is by outsourcing it to a professional service. Outsourcing your laundry can be a real lifesaver, especially if you’re short on time or find laundry a particularly daunting chore. Here’s a closer look at the benefits of outsourcing your laundry services:

  • Convenience: The biggest benefit is the sheer convenience it offers. No more sorting, washing, drying, folding, or putting away clothes – you simply bag your dirty laundry, and it gets picked up and returned clean and fresh. This frees up a significant amount of time for you to focus on other things.
  • Professional Cleaning: Laundry service providers use professional-grade detergents and equipment, ensuring your clothes get a thorough and effective clean. This can be especially beneficial for delicate items or heavily soiled clothes.
  • Time Savings: As mentioned earlier, outsourcing laundry frees up a significant amount of time you can spend on other activities, hobbies, or simply relaxing.
  • Potential Cost Savings: In some cases, outsourcing laundry might be surprisingly cost-effective, especially if you factor in the cost of water, electricity, detergent, and wear-and-tear on your own washing machine and dryer.

Booking a laundry service

Love2Laundry’s signature laundry service is a lifesaver for our users, whether it is for personal or commercial use. Our process is extremely simple and can be explained in four steps.

  1. Head to our website or app, and place your order. Your order includes a date and time you would like us to collect your items.
  2. We collect your items at the designated time.
  3. We clean your items, and can also dry and iron them, depending on the service you opt for.
  4. We return your items to you. Orders are always aimed to be delivered within 24 hours.

Find the best laundry service today

Find the best laundry service today

At Love2Laundry, we believe in the valuable services laundrettes and ironing, and cleaning services can offer, that’s why we dedicate our service to making your clothes clean, long-lasting, fresh and uncreased.

There are plenty of great hacks online that will make it possible to treat certain items that need dry cleaning, washing, or ironing. But without the professional products, services, and tools offered by a laundrette or ironing service, it may be difficult to consistently get the results you are supposed to have.

We are proud that we offer competitively priced services for you to achieve a perfect finish for your items for an affordable cost and a fraction of the time.

In this blog, we hope to have shown you vital information to help you with 5 laundry hacks that will save you time. Want to know how we can help you today? You can see our full price list or contact our friendly team to find out more about our services.

For further cleaning facts, our blog has a diverse selection of topics related to laundry and ironing.

You can contact us via website or by phone or email.


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