How to Make Laundry Easier With ADHD
Posted on Laundry Hacks

How to Make Laundry Easier With ADHD

ADHD can make some normal tasks difficult or take much longer than normal depending on the person. That being said, there are many ways of easing this burden. It is especially important to ensure your laundry is taken care of. Unfortunately, some with ADHD can struggle greatly with this task.

In this blog, we will be addressing key points, and additional information worth considering regarding how to make laundry easier with ADHD.

As a renowned and established service in personal and laundry services, we are extremely proud to offer a range of services to make your life easier. Whether you’re struggling to find the time, or suffering from physical issues, our services are here to make your life easier.

We provide laundry services, ironing services and dry cleaning, and more. Whether it’s a delicate piece of clothing or your sweaty gym gear, or even if you have commercial laundry needs, we have all the right solutions to clean your items in the best way for them.

ADHD explained

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It primarily impacts a person’s ability to focus, manage time, and control impulses.

People with ADHD often experience challenges with organization, following instructions, and staying still. While some people with ADHD also exhibit hyperactivity and impulsivity, others may present primarily with inattentive symptoms, appearing easily distracted or forgetful.

There’s no single cause for ADHD, but it’s believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors.While ADHD can pose challenges, there are many effective strategies and treatments available to help people with ADHD manage their symptoms and thrive in different areas of life.

How does ADHD affect laundry?

Laundry can be a particular struggle for people with ADHD due to the way the condition impacts executive function skills. These skills involve planning, organization, and sustained attention, all areas where ADHD can present challenges. Here’s why laundry can be tricky:

  • Multi-Step Process: Laundry involves multiple steps – sorting, washing, drying, folding, putting away. For someone with ADHD, staying focused and motivated throughout the entire process can be difficult.
  • Decision Fatigue: Deciding what clothes go in which pile, remembering to switch laundry loads, or deciding when to fold all contribute to decision fatigue. This can be overwhelming for someone with ADHD who might struggle with prioritizing or keeping track of these details.
  • Lack of Novelty: Laundry is a repetitive task, and the lack of novelty or immediate gratification can make it hard for someone with ADHD to stay engaged and motivated.
  • Physical Demands: Sorting, carrying laundry baskets, and folding clothes can be physically demanding, and someone with ADHD might struggle with sustained physical effort.

These challenges can lead to procrastination, clothes piling up, forgotten laundry loads in the machines, or simply avoiding laundry altogether. For the sake of clarity, this is not the fate of everyone who has ADHD, as its level of intensity can vary between individuals.

Thankfully, there are ways of effectively managing it so you can deal with menial necassary tasks such as laundry.

How to make laundry easier with ADHD

How to make laundry easier with ADHD

Laundry can be a real challenge for people with ADHD, especially due to the multi-step process and the need for sustained attention. Here are some strategies that can help someone with ADHD manage their laundry more effectively:

Simplify the Sorting Process:

  • Minimise Sorting: Reduce the number of sorting piles. Instead of separating by colour, consider just two categories:darks and lights/brights/whites. For a single person, this might mean only needing to do laundry once or twice a week.
  • Laundry Baskets: Use separate hampers for dirty clothes and designate one specifically for delicates or hand-wash items.

Minimize Decision Fatigue:

  • Set a Laundry Day: Establish a specific day (or a few designated times) each week dedicated to laundry. Sticking to a routine reduces the need for daily decisions about when to do laundry.
  • Automate with Timers: Set phone timers or use smart plugs to automate reminders for when to switch laundry loads or take clothes out of the dryer.

Make it Engaging (if possible):

  • Multitasking: Pair laundry time with activities you enjoy, like listening to music, podcasts, or audiobooks.
  • Visual Reminders: Put up a checklist or flowchart near the laundry machines as a visual reminder of the steps involved.

Reduce Steps and Physical Demands:

  • Invest in Easy-Care Clothes: Choose clothes made from wrinkle-resistant materials that don’t require ironing.
  • Minimise Folding: Consider folding only what you absolutely need, or fold while watching TV. Alternatively,some people with ADHD find hanging clothes directly from the dryer more manageable.

Delegate or Outsource:

  • Partner Up: If you live with a partner or family, consider dividing laundry responsibilities or asking for help with specific tasks.

Additional Tips:

  • Deal with Laundry Immediately: Instead of letting dirty clothes pile up, put them in the hamper right away.
  • Focus on Progress, not Perfection: The goal is to establish a system that works for you, not necessarily a perfectly organized laundry room.
  • Be Kind to Yourself: Don’t get discouraged if there are setbacks. Focus on making small improvements and celebrating your progress.

By implementing these strategies and tailoring them to your individual needs and preferences, you can develop a laundry management system that works for you and helps you stay on top of your laundry, even with ADHD.

Does a laundry service make it easier for people with ADHD?

Does a laundry service make it easier for people with ADHD?

Absolutely. Using a laundry service significantly reduces the work required when doing laundry. Effectively, all you would need to do is book the time of collection and return, and have the clothes ready for collection. The rest is handled by the service.

This means that you will not have to:

  • Worry about the right settings to wash certain clothes.
  • Pay additional money for things such as dettergent or conditioner etc.
  • Deal with any problems that may occur from the process.

How to book a laundry service

Love2Laundry’s signature laundry service is a lifesaver for our users, whether it is for personal or commercial use. Our process is extremely simple and can be explained in four steps.

  1. Head to our website or app, and place your order. Your order includes a date and time you would like us to collect your items.
  1. We collect your items at the designated time.
  2. We clean your items, and can also dry and iron them, depending on the service you opt for.
  3. We return your items to you. Orders are always aimed to be delivered within 24 hours.

How to find the best laundry service

How to find the best laundry service

At Love2Laundry, we believe in the valuable services laundrettes and ironing, and cleaning services can offer, that’s why we dedicate our service to making your clothes clean, long-lasting, fresh and uncreased.

There are plenty of great hacks online that will make it possible to treat certain items that need dry cleaning, washing, or ironing. But without the professional products, services, and tools offered by a laundrette or ironing service, it may be difficult to consistently get the results you are supposed to have.

We are proud that we offer competitively priced services for you to achieve a perfect finish for your items for an affordable cost and a fraction of the time.

In this blog, we hope to have shown you vital information to help you know how to make laundry easier with ADHD. Want to know how we can help you today? You can see our full price list or contact our friendly team to find out more about our services.

For further cleaning facts, our blog has a diverse selection of topics related to laundry and ironing.

You can contact us via website or by phone or email.


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