Can’t Iron Creases Out of Shirt? Love2Laundry’s Expert Ironing Services Have You Covered
Posted on Ironing

Can’t Iron Creases Out of Shirt? Love2Laundry’s Expert Ironing Services Have You Covered

Do you struggle with the iron or steamer every time you need to get a shirt ready? Whether you are getting clothing ready for work, ironing a pile of your child’s school uniform or trying to prepare for a special occasion, creases can cause havoc to the task.

With more than 50% of Brits saying they hate ironing, many people are likely wondering if there is a better alternative to ironing shirts when the creases show no signs of budging. The reality is that due to the structure of the garment and the wide variety of materials that may have been used, returning a shirt to its brand-new condition can be tough.

Fear not, as at Love2Laundry, we have the solution for you. Our laundry service also includes ironing, so you can send your creased shirts away to use with them returned perfectly crisp. Keep reading to discover why our services are the best way to remove wrinkles from shirts and learn the other benefits of choosing professional ironing services.

Why Is It Important To Remove Creases From Shirts?

We can all agree that nothing is more annoying than trying to get ready in the morning and being greeted by a creased shirt. Not only does it throw your schedule out of sync, but removing the wrinkle can be a nightmare when not done properly. If you are not careful, you could end up having a much messier-looking shirt than when you first started to tackle the issue!

Some of the main reasons why it’s important to remove creases also include the following:

Maintain The Shape

A crease doesn’t just look unsightly but can also put pressure on the overall design of your shirt. This is because the fabric fibres are being pulled in a different direction than intended. Overtime, this can lead to shirts becoming distorted and impossible to repair. You may not have thought that a simple crease could reduce the lifespan of a shirt, but we can assure you that it does.

Keep Shirts Fresh

Odours cause chemical build-ups on shirt fibres, which can be hard to remove if not treated properly. A thorough wash or dry clean is essential, but so is ironing. A crease in clothing could signify that an item is not fresh, as something would have had to put pressure on it to create the mark. By ironing creases out and generally looking after a shirt, any odours and germs can be removed, keeping the garment fresh.

Make A Good Impression

Lastly is the topic of making a good impression. Even if you have decided that a crease isn’t a big deal to you, it could leave a negative thought in the minds of others. Removing creases gives you the best chance of being perceived positively and means your shirt will be more robust for longer, allowing you to keep up a professional presence.

What Is A Professional Ironing Service?

What Is A Professional Ironing Service?

An ironing service is a professional agency or person who can remove creases from any item of clothing, even challenging to treat shirts.You will usually find this service in two forms: at-home experts and outsourced companies. Love2Laundry combines both of these as we collect and deliver items. This means our clients can benefit from not having to leave the house, which at-home services offer, plus gain better results due to our industrial equipment.

An ironing service will treat shirts in the best possible way, as they have access to tools that far exceed the capabilities of traditional at-home irons. The experts also deal with all sorts of laundry woes, meaning that even deep-set creases in shirts are no match for their skills.

The UK average cost of ironing services comes in at £15 per hour, £5.50 per kg and £2.80 per item. Our prices for ironing shirts start from just £3 per item or are also available in bundle options offering a cost-effective solution. The price that ironing services charge should just be a flat rate per item, meaning that even if a shirt is creased, there will be nothing extra to pay.

How Does Love2Laundry Get Creases Out Of Shirts?

If you have ever attempted to tackle the removal of a tough crease from a shirt, you will know it’s not always an easy task. That is not the case for our expert laundry service, as we have perfected the art of ironing shirts so you don’t have to.

Firstly, we always sort shirts based on their material and style so that every garment gets specific treatment. This is important as one of the top mistakes people make when removing creases at home is using a temperature unsuitable for the fabric.

We then use industrial tools such as irons, pressing machines and steamers to treat items carefully to achieve results the first time. We never want to put your shirt under excessive pressure, which leads to damage. We also offer a full washing and dry cleaning service, so if this is selected, shirts are also treated with these techniques.

Once the creases have been removed, we hang all shirts ready to be returned and ensure they are not compressed against other items, which could lead to other creases. Also, every item goes through strict quality testing to ensure no crafty creases remain. Thanks to our professional tools and expert techniques, removing shirt creases is easy for our team.

Benefits Of Using Professional Laundry Services For Treating Creases

  • Save time and eliminate stress as you know that only perfectly ironed shirts hang in your wardrobe, ready to wear. You can also pre-plan when you want your shirts to be treated and have it included as part of your weekly routine.
  • Eliminate the chance of damage happening to shirts. This includes burns, losing shape and creating deep-set creases.
  • When professionally ironed, shirts will always look as good as new, helping you look put together and feel smart.
  • Eliminate at-home ironing costs such as paying for equipment, ironing products and even replacing damaged items.
  • Live with flexibility being something you can guarantee as you can send shirts to be ironed at any time that suits you.

How To Use Love2Laundry For Shirt Ironing Services

How To Use Love2Laundry For Shirt Ironing Services

Are you now convinced that the only way to remove wrinkles from shirts is using our professional ironing service? Whether you have a satin, cotton or even linen shirt, our crease-removal experts are on hand to give you a wrinkle-free wardrobe.

To achieve the perfectly ironed shirt, our service works in the following ways:

  1. Firstly, you will need to book your chosen ironing service. This includes confirming the service needed as well as the collection and return details. You can select either single shirts, bundles, or by the kg to find an option that works for you. To make it even better value for money, you can also combine ironing needs in the same order.
  2. Our team then collects on the time and date you have selected.
  3. Once our laundry experts receive the items, they will be able to separate according to ironing requirements and proceed to treat. This might also include a washing and dry cleaning service if that is what you have chosen.
  4. All are then quality checked and returned back to you in ready-to-wear condition. All you have to do is hang them in your wardrobe and relax knowing that you will NEVER again be greeted by creased shirts.

Click the link to find our shirt ironing services available near you. Whether you want to eliminate the morning stress of being faced with a creased shirt or just hate the chore and want to outsource it, our team is ready to remove your shirt wrinkles for good.

To learn more about our services, contact our team.


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