Why You Should Use an Online Laundry Collection Service
Posted on Love2Laundry

Save Time for Studying While We Do Your Laundry

We know how precious your time is as a student, and you likely want to spend your time on something other than mundane chores like laundry. We at Love2laundry are here to help, and we offer student discounts, so we don’t just save you time; we save you money too

In this article, we will discuss ways to save you time as a student, not just with your laundry but with other household chores and your studies too. Most of all, we provide helpful tips on how to save time doing laundry or, for an even better alternative, what we can do to help you as an online laundry service based in London.

Time-saving hacks for students

In this section we have provided helpful time saving hacks so you can get the most out of your time studying because we know that laundry isn’t the only thing taking up your precious time.

Be organised

Organisation is vital to time management. Think of how much precious time you could save if your notes and books were organised along with your assignment submission dates or exam dates. Start the term well with a planner and write all the important dates down so they’re in one place.

It’s also a good idea to have just one notebook with dividers for each class you have, that way; you can organise your notes into subsections so they aren’t chaotic. Organising your notes this way means you can find them easily later when you need them for an exam or to write an assignment.

Another great tip is to plan when you will study and treat it like an appointment so you don’t get behind on your work. Being a student can be overwhelming because you’re always learning new things, and it can be easy to get distracted outside of classes by other things. By scheduling study time, you can ensure you’re doing enough work while getting free time too.

Wake up early

It can be tempting to move away from home, start your own life as an adult and a student and start bad habits like sleeping late. But, as tempting as it may be, having those long sleep-ins costs you precious time. Getting up early means you can prepare for the day so you’re fresh and ready for your lectures. It also gives you more time in the morning for additional study to maximise your time as a student.

Prioritise your time

One of the best things about being a student is all the fun, extracurricular activities you can do, and those are important too, because they’re all part of the experience. However, try not to get caught up doing everything all the time. Choose extracurricular activities that you’re going to really enjoy and benefit from so it doesn’t take over your life and get in the way of your studies.

You might also need a part-time job while studying, as many students do. Things are expensive, so it’s a good idea to cut costs where you can. Laundry is one of the most costly household chores, so knowing how much laundry costs and being conscious of your energy bills can mean working fewer hours and having more time to study.

Time savings hacks for house sharing

Most students live in shared student halls or house share, and no matter how busy you are, certain things need to get done, like food shopping, household chores and the laundry. Here are some excellent tips on saving time with those jobs you don’t want to be doing.

  • Order your food shopping to your door with your housemates and save your shopping list for next time so you can re-order each week. This is also a great way to budget.
  • Create a household chore rota so everyone has jobs to do every week so 1 person isn’t left doing everything.
  • Clean the bathroom while you’re showering.
  • Rotate who makes dinner every night, so not everyone has to make their own dinner every day.
  • Use an online laundry service like Love2laundry. We will pick your laundry up at a time and place suitable for you, work our magic and deliver it back to your door, ready to go.

Doing the laundry can be very time-consuming, particularly if you don’t know how to do laundry at university because perhaps you’ve never had to do it before. Outsourcing will give you the freedom and flexibility to get your laundry done around you rather than spending hours trying to do it yourself.

Ways to save time on your laundry

If you want to have a go at doing your own laundry, it can be daunting and quite complicated, especially if you haven’t done it before. Here are some time-saving laundry tips so you can get it done faster, explore your new home with your new friends, and spend precious time studying.

Organise your laundry as you go

Rather than having to sort your laundry before putting it in the washing machine, when you take an item of clothes off, put it in a pile with other clothes of similar colour and material. Also, pile towels and bedding together. This way, it will already be sorted into washing piles, so you can throw it straight into the washing machine once the pile is big enough and ready to be washed.

Learn fast folding techniques

If you don’t fold or hang your clothes once they’ve dried, they’re likely to crease, and then you’ll need to spend more time ironing them before going out unless you don’t mind walking around in wrinkled clothing. The best way to do this is to invest a little time learning fast folding techniques so you can finish it quickly and not have to touch the iron.

Buy identical socks

Bright and patterned socks are lovely to look at but a nightmare to wash. Washing socks and pairing them up with the right ones can be very time-consuming. Missing socks is one of life’s biggest mysteries because, for some reason, even though you swore you put them in together, somehow they manage to escape, and you’re left with an odd sock until the other miraculously shows up.To save hassle, buy identical socks that are all the same colour and can be paired with any other sock in your collection.

Not only can laundry take a long time, but it can be expensive too. Think about all the different things you need to have to do it properly, a washing machine, maybe a tumble dryer, detergent, fabric conditioners, maybe pretreatments like stain removers, a clothes rail or washing line and pegs. Using an online laundry service not only saves you time, but can save money on your laundry too.

Alternatives to doing laundry yourself

Like many people, you may find the idea of doing your own laundry just a total waste of time. We’re with you on that one! 23% of people voted that laundry is their most hated household chore, so it’s no wonder busy students choose to outsource their laundry.

 Laundry is time-consuming, and students are busy people. If you’re looking for an alternative, try these options.

  • Take your laundry to your parents (if they’ll take it)
  • Visit a laundrette with bigger washing machines and dryers to do the job faster.
  • Outsource to Love2laundry


Love2laundry is an online laundry service based in London, and we aim to serve our customers in a way that exceeds their expectations. We know it isn’t easy to come home from a hectic day studying and working only to be greeted by a huge ominous washing pile in the corner, and you don’t always have the time to find your nearest dry cleaners.  

We have an array of services that makes things easier for you. You need not tolerate late deliveries, low standard of work merged with high prices. Our services cater to all your laundry, ironing and dry cleaning needs, and we can also take care of shoe repairs, upholstery cleaning and alterations.

Enjoy your time at university, use your time wisely and we would love to be a part of your journey to success by taking one big chore off your hands.


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