How Much Does Laundry Cost at University?
Posted on Love2Laundry

How Much Does Laundry Cost at University?

There are a lot of things that play a part in helping you to improve your time at university, and one of the biggest considerations to make is how to keep on top of your finances. As a student, money is always tight, and it is important to come up with some of the best ways of being able to save money and cut costs as much as possible, whilst still being able to benefit from this.

The UK laundry market generated approximately €5b in 2022, which equates to around just under £4.4 billion. It’s clear that this is a market on the rise, and this has been buoyed by virtual laundry and dry cleaning services from the likes of Love2Laundry, which have made a huge difference to the market. Whether you need tips for Airbnb hosts or you’re a student looking to keep your dorm room spick and span, laundry plays a key role in this. This is why it is important to understand the different costs involved in this, and understanding where your precious pennies go.

In this blog post, we will endeavour to explore the costs of doing laundry at university, what this entails, and how we can help to cut the costs for students.

Why Laundry is Important

What Does Laundry Entail as a Student?

As a student, there are a lot of things that you need to try to keep on top of, and this is something that you need to make the most of as much as possible. Laundry is an integral part of the process when it comes to having a smooth and enjoyable university experience, and it’s also an essential part of being able to stay presentable and comfortable as much as possible.

When you are trying to stay on top of your laundry as much as possible, it is vital to understand what laundry entails as a student. The first thing to consider is gathering all of your laundry together and sort it out by colour. Then you need to try to stock up on detergent and conditioner, as well as making sure you have your roll of quarters ready, if needed. Finding the laundry facilities and familiarising yourself with opening hours, and peak times, is super important.

What are the Costs Attached to This?

Understanding the costs that are attached to doing laundry as much as possible is important, and there are a lot of different ways in which you need to keep on top of your costs as much as you can. As a student, there are loads of expenses you’re going to be facing, and looking for as many ideas as possible to cut costs and stay on top of your outgoings is really important.

Here are some of the costs involved in doing laundry at university:

  • Buying a washing machine – if you aren’t in halls of residence and you’re in a home, this is going to be essential.
  • Energy costs – one of the biggest costs involved in doing laundry as a student is the energy costs involved in running washes over the course of a week or month.
  • Buying detergent and conditioner – there are different types of detergent and conditioner that you can choose from, and making the best choice for you is hugely important.
  • Paying for washing/drying services – something else that you need to think about when it comes to understanding the costs attached to doing laundry as a student is paying for washing and drying services. Most people have a roll of quarters that they work through to allow them to do their laundry.
  • Using laundry services – one of the best and most cost-effective options when it comes to paying for laundry as a student is to make use of laundry services like Love2Laundry. With the Love2Laundry student discount, you can enjoy the practical and efficient service, without having to spend too much.

Why This is Important for Student Finances

Laundry is important for student finances because of the fact that when you are a student, money is always tight. It is important to look for some of the best ways of reducing and cutting costs as much as possible, and this is something you need to make sure you get right. There are so many things you need to cover by way of expenses as a student, and laundry is another one of these.

As a student, every penny counts, and you need to think about some of the best ways of being able to make the decisions that are going to save money as a student. Understanding the costs of being a student is really important, and there are loads of key things that are going to help you with this. Laundry can chip away at your student budget, and the more you can do to reduce the cost of this as much as possible is hugely important.

What Does Laundry Entail as a Student?

How Students Can Save Money on Laundry at Uni

There are a number of options students can use when it comes to saving money on their laundry at university. Being able to make this work for you is really important, and this is something that will help you to be able to manage your money better, as well as coming up with ways of keeping on top of your financial situation.

Being able to develop a strategy that is going to help you improve your financial situation as a student is super important, and one of the best ways to help with this is to look at how you can save money on your laundry at uni. Here are some of the best ideas that will help you when it comes to achieving this moving forward.

Save it Up to Take Home

One of the ways of being able to save money on laundry costs at uni is to save up your dirty laundry and take it home. Of course, this is not always going to be viable, and may only work once per semester, but it is an option some students will explore.

Do Full Loads

There are so many ideas that play a part in helping you to save some costs, and making sure you do full loads as much as you can is important. This way you are doing fewer washes in the long run, which is going to save you valuable pennies.


Handwashing your clothes is another option for those looking to save on university laundry costs, but this is going to be more time-consuming, and will never quite clean them as effectively as a regular machine wash.

Use Love2Laundry

Perhaps the best and most viable option on this list is to outsource your laundry needs to Love2Laundry. Our successful crowdfunding campaign has allowed us to produce the best laundry app for students on the market, that allows you to make use of our laundry collection and delivery services with just the click of a button.

Is Love2Laundry the Answer?

Trying to focus on some of the best ideas that will help you to save money on laundry at university is really important, and there are some excellent ways of achieving this. Love2Laundry is one of the best and most appealing ways of being able to reduce the costs involved in your washing at university. We are obsessed with all things laundry, dry cleaning, and clothing related. From assessing Love Island influencer value to brainstorming the best services to offer students and entrepreneurs, we’re always looking for ways to provide value and understand our audience better.

Love2Laundry could be the answer to reducing your university laundry costs, and our services can have a wonderful impact on your life moving forward. Try to make use of some of our services in order to make your laundry needs more affordable and stress-free.

How Students Can Save Money on Laundry at Uni

Closing Thoughts

When you are trying to keep on top of your laundry at university, as well as save money in the process, you need to understand the best ways of being able to achieve this. At Love2Laundry, making use of our services is one of the best things that you can do when it comes to reducing laundry costs as a student. We provide a convenient and practical service that helps you to stay on top of your laundry as much as possible.


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