17 Iconic Laundrette Moments From The Media
What exactly is it about the local laundrette that leads to important conversations, life plans, and even moments of love? Well, that’s according to the movies and media anyway! Anyone who has actually been to a laundrette will know that having a personal and in-depth conversation is practically impossible… well with 10 washing machines in the room, you can understand why. Although there are people still using their local laundrette today, the majority of us will be carrying out our laundry duties in the comfort of our own home or using a professional laundry service.
From the set of a movie or TV show to the backdrop of an advertising campaign, the laundrette plays (and has played for quite some time) an iconic setup for everyday living. Today, it can even be seen as playing a front for a secret or hidden bar and is seen as more of a promotional tool for retro purposes perhaps more than its intended purpose. We’ve gone and collated 17 of the most iconic laundrette moments from the media – including movies, TV shows and advertisements. Enjoy!
P.s there might just be a few spoilers though so watch out…
1968 - Rosemary's Baby
Rosemary’s Baby was originally a novel that become an iconic horror film in the sixties. A creepy laundry room sets the perfect tone for an ominous apartment building and strange neighbours.

1985 - My Beautiful Laundrette
As the name of the film suggests, a run-down laundrette which is transformed into a profitable business is the focus point in this movie, where a young British Asian man and his romantic relationship are in charge.

1985 - Levi's
Designed to try and save Levi’s flagging fortunes, the 1985 “Launderette” ad campaign was a real breakthrough for the brand. The iconic commercial transformed their jeans from the type of jeans which were worn by people’s dads into sexy jeans.

1993 - Wayne's World
Is it a laundromat love story? Adjusting to life outside his parents’ basement, Garth heads to the local laundromat where he eats some liquorice rope, shrinks his laundry but most importantly gets talking to a pretty girl.

1994 - Friends
Ross and Rachel doing laundry – Arguably one of THE most iconic laundrette scenes in television? Whilst Ross pretends his washroom is out of action to spend more time with Rachel, she learns a lesson in standing (or sitting in this case) up for herself.

1998 - Fight Club
Perhaps one of the most mysterious characters in Fight Club, Marla Singer (played by Helena Bonham Carter) is seen stealing someone’s laundry from a dryer and swiftly selling it to a thrift shop.

2000 - American Psycho
Sending his bloody laundry to the dry cleaners on a regular basis, Bateman becomes angry at the fact that this particular clothing remains stained with blood and therefore has to make a trip all the way to visit the Laundromat in person.

2002 - 40 Days and 40 Nights
The laundromat sets the scene for romance when Matt (played by Josh Hartnett) meets a cute stranger and they really hit it off and fall in love. After a falling out though, Matt hangs out at the laundromat all week in the hope that she’ll return.

2003 - Uptown Girls
After living the life of luxury and relying on her parents for most of her life, Molly Gunn (played by Brittany Murphy) is having a mid-life crisis and needs to learn to stand on her two feet and fend for herself.

2009 - The Blind Side
As far as inspirational stories go, The Blind Side have it covered. This is one heartfelt movie which sees Big Mike spending his downtime in a laundromat so that he can hand wash his shirt in a sink and use a woman’s leftover time on the dryer.

2013 - Anchorman 2
Laundry certainly does lead to love – which is the case when Brick Tamland brings Chani to the laundrette on their very special first date! Apparently the soda vending machines are unparalleled…

2013 - Orange Is The New Black
Alex in the dryer – Orange Is The New Black touches on many dark and quite serious topics, however this particular episode is quite comical whilst Pennsatucky locks Alex in the dryer.

2015 - Dark Places
This fast-paced thriller follows character Libby Day (played by Charlize Theron) who, at just eight years old, witnessed the brutal murder of her family. The Laundromat comes into play when Libby accepts an offer from a creepy dude.

2016 - EastEnders
The one in EastEnders where Dot receives the bad news about the iconic launderette in Albert Square due to be closing down – Dot’s face says it all really.

2016 - Shameless
The one where they come together to fix the laundrette – a scene which makes the throuple relationship feel like more than a comic sideshow.

2017 - Baby Driver
Who knew that the laundrette could be at the heart of a romantic and flirty movie scene? It’s a pivotal moment in Baby Driver when Baby goes to the laundromat with Debora, deciding that he really does want a future with her.

2018 - Deadpool 2
Deadpool – A Rogue character (played by Ryan Reynolds) who has some (mostly antihero) superhero tendencies who needs to do his laundry as well you know.